I like – Μου αρέσει

Learning kit for Modern Greek
I like, I don’t like
A) Μου αρέσει, δε μου αρέσει + noun

In Greek, we say ” X is pleasant/ likeable to me”. We don’t say “I like X”. Therefore the verb is in the 3rd person and agrees in number with the thing we like.

This is very important in order to avoid confusing statements such as “Potatoes like cooking me” instead of “I like cooking potatoes” and “John likes Mary” instead of “Mary likes John.” As the position of words in Greek sentences is fluid, you can’t rely on it to understand who likes what.

You have to remember to use the verb in the 3rd person, unless you are talking about the subject: “Αρέσω” means that someone finds you pretty and/or likeable.

Μου αρέσει το τσάι.
(I like tea.)
Μου αρέσουν τα φρούτα.
(I like fruits.)
Δε μου αρέσει η Αθήνα.
(I don’t like Athens.)
Τους αρέσει η θάλασσα.
(They like the sea.)
Τους αρέσουν τα λαχανικά.
(They like vegetables.)
Δεν τους αρέσει το χρώμα.
(They don’t like the colour.)
Ο Τάκης αρέσει στην Ελένη.
(Eleni likes Takis.)
Η Ελένη δεν αρέσει στον Τάκη.
(Takis doesn’t like Eleni.)
B) Μου αρέσει να + verb

The verb “αρέσει” remains in the 3rd person singular.

“I like” implies a habit, a repeated action. The verb we use after “να” must express this.

We can’t say “Μου αρέσει να διαβάσω.” because “διαβάσω” doesn’t express a habit or repetition. We must use “διαβάζω” instead.

Θέλω να φάω ένα φρούτο.
(I want to eat a fruit.) (later, tomorrow)
Μου αρέσει να τρώω φρούτα.
(I like eating fruits.) (usually, all the time)
Μου αρέσει να διαβάζω.
(I like reading.)
Της αρέσει να ταξιδεύει.
(She likes travelling.)
Τους αρέσει να παίζουν παιχνίδια στον υπολογιστή.
(They like playing computer games.)